South Wairarapa District’s population has increased by 11% since 2013.
Median age
South Wairarapa District’s median age has increased by 4% since 2013.
South Wairarapa District’s unemployment has decreased by 19% since 2013.
Born overseas
The percentage of people born overseas has increased by 11% since 2013.
About South Wairarapa
The South Wairarapa District is situated at the southern-most corner of the North Island and has an area of approximately 248,455 hectares (2484 square kilometres). Our rural district contains three forest parks, surfing and fishing beaches, vineyards, sheep and dairy farms and charming small towns. Visitors will be tempted by countless activities like tramping, fishing, cycling, specialty gourmet cafes and restaurants, vineyard tours, olive oil tasting and boutique shopping. The region is only an hour from Wellington by car or train, and the relaxed pace will keep you coming back for more.

Featherston is the gateway to the Wairarapa, and train enthusiasts can visit the Fell Museum. Boutiques, antique shopping and gourmet treats abound in Greytown. Don't forget a vineyard tour in tranquil Martinborough. From Palliser Bay to the Tararua ranges there are outdoor activities to suit any style.