Lower Hutt City’s population has increased by 7% since 2013.
Median age
Lower Hutt City’s median age has decreased by 0.8% since 2013.
Lower Hutt City’s unemployment has decreased by 9% since 2013.
Born overseas
The percentage of people born overseas has increased by 8% since 2013.
About Hutt City
With around 3,000 hectares of parks, reserves, bush-clad hills, beaches, walkways and tracks, the Hutt Valley is an adventure lover’s paradise. Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt are city neighbours minutes apart, which combined offer a giant playground that lures mountain bikers, runners, kite surfers and other modern day adventurers. Which is entirely appropriate, as the area was said to be first discovered by the great Polynesian navigator Kupe, who landed on the Petone (from the Māori Pito-one) shore, before other Māori and then Europeans settled the area.

But it’s not just about the outdoors, the Hutt Valley is a hub of artisan food and drink producers, such as coffee roasters, craft beer, cheese makers and bakers of ‘the best chocolate cake in the world’ according to Scarlett Johanson, who sampled a slice when she was filming in Wellington a few years back.