Census: Does this household pay rent to an owner (or to their agent for this dwelling?' and 'How much rent does this household pay to the owner (or agent) for this dwelling?

Weekly housing rental payments

Lower Hutt City

2018 2013
Weekly rental amount Number % Wellington Region % Number % Wellington Region % 2013 - 2018
Under $100 1,530 13.2 6.8 1,434 14.3 7.6 +96
$100 to $149 1,170 10.1 7.1 783 7.8 6.2 +387
$150 to $199 678 5.9 5.0 831 8.3 7.5 -153
$200 to $299 2,040 17.6 17.1 2,805 28.1 26.0 -765
$300 to $399 3,279 28.3 23.4 2,961 29.6 26.0 +318
$400 to $499 1,758 15.2 17.5 831 8.3 13.5 +927
$500 to $599 720 6.2 10.0 237 2.4 6.7 +483
$600 and over 399 3.4 13.0 120 1.2 6.5 +279
Not elsewhere included 102 0.9 0.8 558 5.6 3.6 -456
Total 11,580 100.0 100.0 9,999 100.0 100.0 +1,581

Source: Statistics New Zealand, Census of Population and Dwellings 2018.
Stats NZ data quality rating: Moderate