Wellington City’s population has increased by 6% since 2013.
Median age
Wellington City’s median age has increased by 0.6% since 2013.
Wellington City’s unemployment has decreased by 3% since 2013.
Born overseas
The percentage of people born overseas has increased by 10% since 2013.
About Wellington City
Smack bang in the middle of nature, Wellington has a diverse range of landscapes, sitting quietly between the sea and acres of regional parks, forests and mountains. We’re not just surrounded by nature, we’re immersed in it. There’s a reason Wellington often ranks highly as one of the most liveable cities in the world. It offers a relaxed, easy going lifestyle with short commutes, low levels of pollution, and people here take work-life balance very seriously. We have the great outdoors as our backyard, and we want you to see it.

Commuting around the capital is a breeze. When you can, we recommend walking. After all, Wellingtonians are the fittest residents of any city in the country.
You can explore the compact flat CBD easily on foot, bike or via public transport, and if you want to venture further afield there's plenty of transport options, including bus and train, to help you explore the Greater Wellington Region.