Porirua City’s population has increased by 10% since 2013.
Median age
Porirua City’s median age has decreased by 0.3% since 2013.
Porirua City’s unemployment has decreased by 9% since 2013.
Born overseas
The percentage of people born overseas has increased by 0.2% since 2013.
About Porirua
Just 20 minutes’ drive or train ride from Wellington, Porirua is a harbour city bordered by rolling hills, lush green in winter and in summer slowly turning to a toasted ochre
There are many great spots to go hiking and biking in Porirua, including Rangituhi/Colonal Knob , a 1.7 km native bush walk - the views from the top are well worth the climb! And for those still in need of more adventure, they can test their mettle at Adrenalin Forest, a multi-level aerial obstacle course.

But it’s not just the outdoors that are worth exploring in Porirua, Pātaka Art + Museum is a treasure trove of local art, with a particular focus on Māori and Pacific artists.
Fun fact: the ka mate haka made famous by the All Blacks rugby team, originates from local Porirua iwi (Māori tribe) Ngāti Toa, composed by famous chief Te Raupahara.