Census: When were you born?

Age structure - Five year age groups

Petone East

2018 2013
Five year age groups (years) Number % Lower Hutt City % Number % Lower Hutt City % 2013 - 2018
0 to 4 years 201 5.1 6.7 243 7.4 7.4 -42
5 to 9 years 198 5.1 7.1 192 5.9 7.1 +6
10 to 14 years 165 4.2 6.5 162 4.9 6.9 +3
15 to 19 years 153 3.9 6.3 174 5.3 6.7 -21
20 to 24 years 291 7.5 6.2 324 9.9 6.5 -33
25 to 29 years 372 9.5 7.3 237 7.2 6.0 +135
30 to 34 years 306 7.8 7.2 264 8.1 6.4 +42
35 to 39 years 306 7.8 7.0 276 8.4 6.8 +30
40 to 44 years 252 6.5 6.6 234 7.1 7.5 +18
45 to 49 years 228 5.8 7.0 222 6.8 7.2 +6
50 to 54 years 228 5.8 6.5 237 7.2 7.2 -9
55 to 59 years 228 5.8 6.5 177 5.4 6.0 +51
60 to 64 years 168 4.3 5.5 138 4.2 5.2 +30
65 to 69 years 135 3.5 4.4 141 4.3 4.2 -6
70 to 74 years 174 4.5 3.4 93 2.8 3.3 +81
75 to 79 years 177 4.5 2.6 63 1.9 2.2 +114
80 to 84 years 141 3.6 1.6 51 1.6 1.7 +90
85 years and over 180 4.6 1.6 48 1.5 1.5 +132
Total 3,906 100.0 100.0 3,279 100.0 100.0 +627

Source: Statistics New Zealand, Census of Population and Dwellings 2013 and 2018.
Stats NZ data quality rating: Very high