Census: Show all the ways you yourself got income in the 12 months ending today (excluding loans because they are not income)?

Sources of personal income

Petone East

2018 2013
Income source - multi-response Number % Lower Hutt City % Number % Lower Hutt City % 2013 - 2018
No source of income during that time 138 4.1 6.4 156 6.3 7.5 -18
Wages salary commissions bonuses etc paid by my employer 2,016 60.4 63.1 1,647 66.1 61.0 +369
Self employment or business i own and work in 354 10.6 11.8 285 11.4 12.0 +69
Interest dividends rent other investments 711 21.3 16.7 495 19.9 20.4 +216
Regular payments from ac c or a private work accident insurer 48 1.4 1.4 15 0.6 1.1 +33
New zealand superannuation or veterans pension 747 22.4 15.6 333 13.4 15.2 +414
Other superannuation pensions or annuities 141 4.2 2.9 57 2.3 3.2 +84
Jobseeker support 207 6.2 7.6 138 5.5 5.9 +69
Sole parent support 36 1.1 1.7 48 1.9 3.1 -12
Supported living payment 54 1.6 1.8 60 2.4 2.6 -6
Student allowance 81 2.4 2.0 93 3.7 2.2 -12
Other government benefits government income support payments war pensions or paid parental leave 102 3.1 4.2 96 3.9 4.3 +6
Other sources of income including support payments from people who do not live in my household 36 1.1 1.4 48 1.9 1.7 -12
Not stated 3 0.1 0.2 189 7.6 7.4 -186
Total 3,336 100.0 100.0 2,490 100.0 100.0 +846

Source: Statistics New Zealand, Census of Population and Dwellings 2013 and 2018.
Stats NZ data quality rating: Moderate