Census: Are you descended from a Māori (that is, did you have a Māori birth parent, grandparent or great-grandparent etc)?

Māori descent

Avalon West

2018 2013
Descent type Number % Lower Hutt City % Number % Lower Hutt City % 2013 - 2018
Māori descent 282 10.7 20.0 177 8.2 19.3 +105
No Māori descent 2,301 87.6 77.7 1,947 90.0 78.6 +354
Don't know 42 1.6 2.3 39 1.8 2.1 +3
Not elsewhere included - - - 306 14.1 11.0 -306
Total 2,628 100.0 100.0 2,163 100.0 100.0 +465

Source: Statistics New Zealand, Census of Population and Dwellings 2006, 2013, and 2018.
Stats NZ data quality rating: High

Please note that in the 2018 Census, where data are not provided, responses are sourced from administrative datasets, in line with the procedures developed by Statistics New Zealand to supplement the 2018 dataset. Due to this, there is no "Not elsewhere included" category in 2018, and users should use caution when comparing to earlier Census years.